"You wish, we fulfill"
"You wish, we fulfill"
"You wish, we fulfill"
Featured location
Polygnotos Vagis Museum Area : Potamia
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Our island is well known for having some of the most beautiful & unique beaches.

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Searching for more things to see and do on your next visit to Thassos?

Church of the Assumption of Mary View details
Location : Panagia & Golden Beach
Type : Religious sites
Apostolus Waterfals View details
Location : Limenaria
Type : Worth to visit
Ipsarion View details
Location : Potamia
Type : Worth to visit
Folklore Museum of Limenaria View details
Location : Limenaria
Type : Museums
Church of the Assumption of Mary View details
Location : Panagia & Golden Beach
Type : Religious sites
Folklore Museum of Limenaria View details
Location : Limenaria
Type : Museums
Saint Athansios Church View details
Location : Limenaria
Type : Religious sites
Folklore Museum of Potamia View details
Location : Skala Potamias
Type : Museums
Giola View details
Location : Astris
Type : Worth to visit
Akropolis View details
Location : Limenas
Type : Sights
Contact information
Call us (+30) 25930-23989

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The listing service on our business directory with contact details is provided for free.

Thassos Tourism Organization

Limenas, 64004
Thassos, Greece

Tel. (+30) 25930 23989

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